
Every year me and my dad go on a camping trip to the Lake District, we first started doing it when I got ill with stress and I was basically in a really bad place but I don’t think anyone truly understands how important this trip is to me, we’ve been doing it for 3/4 years now and I still love doing it. This place always seems to take my breath away and it always seems to calm me for some reason and I’m so thankful that I can experience places like this.

Lake District, UK

Lakes and Mountains.

Lake District, UK

I have a strong fear of heights and normally I would shake and feel really nervous and ill but as I climbed up and saw this view suddenly I felt like I could breathe and relax, not only is the view incredible but it highlighted how big this world is, the little things aren’t important and these moments are the ones to hold onto. Later on in life I’ll look back at this and think I’m so lucky to be alive and well in this beautiful world.